FAQs about Entrepreneurship Practicum

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Entrepreneurship Practicum. Also see the Entrepreneurship Practicum Timeline.

Q / How much time is spent at the practicum site (startup)?

A / Students complete 50 hours of value-added work. At least 25 hours are spent on location at the practicum site, which are not more than a 45-minute commute from Copenhagen city center (where DIS is located).

Q / How often does the Entrepreneurship Practicum course meet?

A / The practicum group meet as a class 8 times throughout the semester, for a total of 21 hours. Classroom sessions are meant to facilitate the journey, learn theories such as business model canvas and effectual entrepreneurship, reflect on the experience and academic readings, discuss challenges and cultural differences, and share experiences. In addition to mentoring students on how to make the most of the opportunity and demonstrate professional skills, faculty will use these sessions to coach students on how to add value to the practicum site and approach potential issues.

Q / How are students evaluated?

A / Please see the syllabus for more details. Students must attend class, write no less than 6 blog posts, conduct a market analysis of the practicum site, write a personal development paper, and present at an end of semester showcase where they summarize their work by ‘selling’ the startup and promoting products / services. Students receive feedback from the startups that the faculty will use as a factor in the overall engagement grade, along with participation during classroom sessions.

Q / What type of work do students produce?

A / Based on skills and interests, students are matched with a startup that best suits the tasks required and the students’ ability to meet those needs. Previous projects have included product development, social media marketing, investor pitch support, market entry research, business plan development, and much more.

Q / Who do students interact with at the practicum site?

A / Students will be part of the startup and interact with all members of the team, including the founder.

Q / What is the role of the DIS faculty?

A / The DIS faculty equips students with academic theories and assists in translating the classroom knowledge to real-world experience. The faculty leads the students in assessing the cultural differences of working for a startup in Copenhagen vs. the U.S. and how these differences may align to certain competencies in specific regions. Furthermore, the faculty helps guide students in approaching conflict or discussing issues with the startup founder, managing up, and presenting concerns along with proposed solutions. Finally, the faculty provides the framework for continuous reflection by maintaining consistent contact, providing structured feedback that pushes the students to learn beyond the classroom, tying academic theories to experience, and by using business judgement to build professional leadership and technical.

Q / How likely is it that students will be placed in their first preference practicum site?

A / The match will be based on practicum site need and the students’ skills and, when possible, preference will be valued as a consideration. The practicum site match is also intended to provide the student with the most beneficial experience