Information on Dates and Breaks
If you plan to visit your student while they are abroad, we recommend that you plan to visit them after their semester or summer session official ends, or during their study break.
See the following links for calendar information:
- Copenhagen semester calendar dates
- Copenhagen and Stockholm summer calendar dates
- Stockholm semester calendar dates
There is one official break each semester that all students have simultaneously; your student will have one additional week-long break during either Travel Week 1 or Travel Week 2. We recommend that you do not book to visit them during this break until they have confirmed their core course, as it will be mandatory for them to travel on one of the Travel Weeks with their course. This trip is part of their academic course load and can not be missed, nor can you meet them at the tour’s location. Students will confirm enrollment in core courses during the pre-departure registration process. Please discuss with your student after their registration is complete.
Summer students do not have breaks during their summer sessions, so please visit them only before or after the summer session dates.
Where to Stay and Research Advice
Do not expect to stay in your student’s housing when you visit. They can not host overnight visitors. Past parents have reported using the following websites for booking hotels and apartments during their stay:
For information on visiting Copenhagen, start with visiting the official city website:, as well as the transportation and dietary resources within our Student Resources section.
For information on visiting Stockholm, start with visiting the official city website:, as well as the transportation and dietary resources within our Student Resources section.