Accessing Money Abroad (Semester)

ATM/Debit Cards in Denmark

DIS recommends that you use a debit/ATM card that is either a Visa or MasterCard during your time in Denmark. Students often run into issues with American Express and Discover cards.

Taking Your Debit Card Abroad

  • Tell your bank you are traveling abroad and might take money out from various countries
  • Inquire about the fee per ATM withdrawal as well as your daily withdrawal limit, so you can strategize how often you will take out money
  • If possible, it is recommended to only use ATMs at local Danish banks to withdraw money (Danske Bank, Jyske Bank). Other ATM companies (such as Euronet) are located all over Europe, but charge very large transaction and conversion fees.
  • Occasionally, some shops in Denmark will not accept cards without a four-digit pin code; make sure your debit/ATM card has a four-digit pin code you can use

Credit Cards Abroad

Foreign credit cards (Visa and MasterCard) are widely accepted in Denmark, and often are accepted at department stores, restaurants, taxis, and for making travel accommodations. Students often run into issues with American Express cards.

For best results in using a credit card in Denmark, follow these guidelines:

  • Use a credit card with a chip
  • Ask your bank if you can add a four-digit pin number to your credit card. This is not required, but could help with some transactions.
  • If you use a credit card without either a chip, pin, or both, you may need to tell the employee at the cash register that you wish to sign for the payment and do not have a pin
    • Using a credit card through Apple Pay (or similar) can bypass the requirement for a pin or signature
  • Check with your company for fee information on international purchases. There are many credit cards available without international fees.

Recommended Location to Exchange Money in Copenhagen

Located close to DIS:

Tavex Central Station
Bernstorffsgade 16-22
1577 Copenhagen V


  • Favorable exchange rates
  • No commission
  • A variety of currencies