September 20, Archived Notice of COVID Boosters, Flu Shots, and Monkeypox

September 20, 2022

COVID-19 Booster

Denmark has announced a plan to start offering the new Pfizer or Moderna fall 2022 COVID-19 booster on October 1 to people aged 50+ and those at high risk (e.g. those with a weakened immune system).

If you believe that you would qualify for the booster, once you have your CPR number and assigned doctor, please set up an appointment with your assigned doctor for an evaluation. If your doctor assesses that you qualify, they will enter your information into the Danish health care system. You can then call Region Hovedstaden (Capitol Region) at +45 3866 0000 to set up an appointment for a vaccination. They will tell you where and when to go. Be sure to bring some form of official ID (e.g. your passport), your poof of past vaccination (e.g. your CDC vaccination card), and proof of enrollment at DIS.

Seasonal Flu Shots

DIS is planning to offer free flu shots to all DIS faculty, staff and students. More details will be sent to all students soon.


Since monkeypox is still quite rare and not transmitted as easily as COVID-19, the risk of infection remains low for most people. It is spread through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact. Prevent the spread of monkeypox by avoiding these forms of contact; not sharing objects, clothing, bedding, or towels; and by cleaning your hands often.

The monkeypox vaccination is currently being offered only to those at high risk of becoming infected or becoming seriously ill. If you think you might qualify and would like to be vaccinated for monkeypox, set up an appointment with your assigned doctor to discuss your options. If you have not yet received your CPR number and assigned doctor, you can contact one of the general practitioners listed here.

If you believe you have been in close contact with someone with monkeypox or have symptoms of monkeypox (a rash and/or influenza-like symptoms, which include fever, headaches, muscle aches, swollen glands, chills and fatigue), seek medical care and testing. Find information about medical care and seeing a doctor in Copenhagen on our website.

Read more about monkeypox from Danish health officials here.