Current Notifications
There are currently no Health and Safety notifications
Resources for your semester
Staying healthy while abroad
Please stay home if you are sick and coordinate with your faculty ASAP and preferably before missing class for the absence to be excused. You will need to keep up with course requirements while out sick if your health allows.
There are no Swedish masking, testing or isolation requirements related to COVID-19. Thus, if you suspect you have COVID-19 or test positive, you are advised simply to stay home. There is no need to move out of your housing or to isolate.
If you have any questions about your health or accessing the Swedish health system, please email and for academic support needs. If you have after-hour emergency needs, call the DIS emergency phone at (+46) 72 141 2862.
Bias information and education
DIS takes bias incidents and discrimination very seriously, so we developed a tool for you to inform us about bias-related incidents involving you or another DIS student, whether at DIS or in the public.
View more information on the DIS Website: