Please note: This page is merely to guide to offer help to students with Type 1 diabetes that want to study abroad in Stockholm – it does in no way constitute medical advice. DIS is not responsible for students acting on information on this page or that on linked external resources. Please consult a professional doctor with any medical questions.
Studying abroad with Type 1 Diabetes can be a tough task and involve a large amount of guesswork in terms of what food contains. This means as a student, you must be extra vigilant and monitor your blood sugar levels closely. It is fully possible to live and study in Stockholm with Type 1 Diabetes, if you give it the attention needed.
A Possible Packing List
To start you off, here is a suggested T1D packing list taken from a former DIS Student Blogger:
- Testing Strips in a plastic bag. Remove testing strips from the containers. Bring a few containers and just refill them
- One 5 lb box of peanut M&Ms
As well as five month’s supply of:
- Testing strips
- More than one meter
- Do you want to order a second pump?
- Quick set / infusion sets
- Insulin / Novolog
- Lantus
- Emergency Glucagon Kit
- Ketone Strips (to make my doctor happy)
- Connecting device to upload blood sugars
Note: PLAN AT LEAST TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. You may need to order supplies, and sometimes it is not easy ordering supplies to foreign country. It is better carrying all your supplies so you do not have to worry about shipping.