Course Enrollment and Grading

Course Enrollment and Grading

Add/Drop: You must remain enrolled in a Core Course during your semester. Changes to your Core Course after arrival are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Assistant Registrar (, and with written permission from your home institution. If approved, there is a $300 Core Course change fee.

You may add elective courses yourself via DIS Student Registration until 16:00 Stockholm local time on the first Tuesday after the beginning of classes. Please note: you cannot sit in on classes or “shop” for classes.

You may add elective courses only if:

  • the desired class is not full;
  • you do not exceed 17 semester hours of credit;
  • you meet the prerequisites, if any.

You may drop elective courses until 16:00 Stockholm local time on the fourth Tuesday after the beginning of classes.

You may drop elective classes only if:

  • you maintain the required minimum credit hours (12 or 15 credits, depending on your home campus requirement);
  • you check with your home institution advisor first to ensure the dropped course will not adversely affect your degree progress.

When ready to proceed, please email the Assistant Registrar at by the course drop deadline to request the course be dropped.

In extenuating circumstances, in consultation with home institutions, students may be permitted to drop a course after the course drop deadline (above) and the course will appear on your DIS Final Grade Report as a “W,” for withdrawal. Please meet with Academic Support to discuss your request.

Audit: DIS does not permit students to audit courses.

Course Enrollment: Please register for courses on the Course form in your registration portal after acceptance. Courses should be approved by your home advisor. All applicable prerequisites must be fulfilled before the class begins.

Course Load: As a DIS semester student, you are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours, comprising 1-, 3- and/or 6-credit courses. You may not exceed 17 semester hours of credit.

Please note: many home institutions require a minimum course load of 15 credits.

Final Grade Report: Within 30 days of term completion, DIS issues an official Final Grade Report. The Final Grade Report lists all courses in which you were officially registered, with the amount of credit and grades for each course in English. The Final Grade Report may include withdrawn courses, if required by your home institution. A copy of your Final Grade Report is sent to the US institution processing your grades (in most cases, your home institution). A second copy is sent directly to you. Final Grade Reports will only be issued if all fees have been paid to DIS and there are no academic or administrative holds on your record. If a grade change is received from an instructor, DIS will issue a new Final Grade Report.

Full-Year Students: To study with DIS for more than one semester, you must achieve a minimum 2.5 GPA and maintain good standing in all previous DIS semesters in order to continue.

Grades: Points, rather than letter grades, are given on all course assignments. Points are automatically calculated into letter grades by Canvas at the end of the semester. Plus (+) and minus (-) grades are used for final course grades below an A. When calculating grade points and averages, “+” is equal to plus .3 and “-” is equal to minus .3. The average of the individual assignment grades, multiplied by their respective weights, determines the final course grade, as indicated below. Please note: DIS does not round up grades.

Letter Grade Percentage
A 93 to 100%
A- 90 to less than 93%
B+ 87 to less than 90%
B 83 to less than 87%
B- 80 to less than 83%
C+ 77 to less than 80%
C 73 to less than 77%
C- 70 to less than 73%
D+ 67 to less than 70%
D 63 to less than 67%
D- 60 to less than 63%
F 0 to less than 60%

Other grade symbols used on DIS Final Grade Reports include:

  • P = Pass (course taken for pass/fail grading)
  • F = Fail (course taken for pass/fail grading)
  • W = Withdrawal
  • I = Incomplete

Grade Appeal: The DIS grade appeal procedure is available to you during and after your term abroad with a six-month statute of limitation after the final course grade has been issued. If appealing a grade, please provide written evidence indicating a mistake, fraud, or bad faith on the part of the instructor and submit your appeal to Academic Support (  After reviewing the appeal, the Associate Academic Director will render a final decision within 30 days of submission.

Incomplete: In the case of extreme extenuating circumstances, in consultation with Academic Support, your home school, and faculty, it may be possible to take an “I” or Incomplete grade to allow completion of coursework beyond the end of the DIS enrolment term. This is very rarely granted. All work must be completed by the agreed upon deadline or the grade will lapse to a “F” (Fail).

Pass/Fail: Some – but not all – US universities/colleges allow students enrolling at DIS to take classes pass/fail. If your home institution permits, you may request pass/fail grading for one elective course per semester, maximum, and only under the following conditions:

  • the course is not a Core Course;
  • you have permission from your home institution to take the course on a pass/fail basis.

If you wish to take a course pass/fail, please email the Assistant Registrar at by the course drop deadline. In order to receive a Pass (P) in a course, a minimum grade of C- is required, unless otherwise specified by the home institution.

Program Withdrawal: If you withdraw completely from DIS after the program has started but before the course drop deadline (above), you will not receive a Final Grade Report from DIS. Please note: some institutions may require a Final Grade Report, in which case DIS will post “W” (Withdrawal) for each course.

If you withdraw completely from the program after the course drop deadline (above), you will receive a “W” (Withdrawal) for each course on the Final Grade Report.

Please meet with Academic Support or the Care Team if you are considering withdrawing from DIS and refer to the Cancellation and Change Fees webpage for information on refunds or fees related to program withdrawals.