Keeping Kosher

Keeping Kosher

In the past, many DIS students have navigated studying abroad in Copenhagen and Stockholm while keeping kosher. With these resources, as well as independent research beyond this information, finding kosher products should pose no significant problems for DIS students.

Where to Find Kosher Food in Stockholm

Kosherian Blecher & Co. on Nybrogatan 19
114 39 Stockholm
Telephone: (46) 8 663 65 80

Where to Find Kosher Food in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Kosher (Gils Deli) on Lyngbyvej 87
2100 Kobenhavn Ø
Telephone: (45) 39 18 57 77

Cafe Victor Borge located in the Jewish Community Centre on Krystalgade 12, provides usual café snacks and hot meals.

Kosher and E Numbers

The ‘E numbers’ are codes for chemicals which can be used as food additives for use within the European Union (the ‘E’ stands for ‘Europe’). They are commonly found on food labels throughout the European Union. You will see them listed on food product labels with the ingredients. E numbers to avoid if you follow a kosher diet are: E 120, E 334, E 422, E 445, E 570.

External Resources

  • Chabad of Stockholm provides a list of foods checked by the former rabbi of Stockholm, Rabbi Meir Horden, and provides Kosher take-out meals
  • Det Mosaiske Troessamfund, the organization for Denmark’s Jewish community, has helpful starter advice, and in the past has provided a list of common products and if they are kosher