Academic Expectations and Honor Code

Academic Expectations and Honor Code

All course work must be completed, and students must participate in all required activities to earn a passing grade. Students are responsible for handing in all coursework on time. Assignments handed in after the due date will earn 0 points, or downgraded percentage, according to the instructor’s own guidelines.


  • Disability Accommodations: To utilize academic accommodations at DIS, please refer to the letter from DIS that lists approved accommodations and details on how to access them. Please see more online.
  • Religious Accommodations: If you plan to be absent from class in order to observe an important holiday relevant to your faith, please coordinate academic accommodations in advance through You are responsible for communicating with your faculty, receiving the content of the missed class(es), must make up any missed work, and turn in any work due in that class period in advance.

Assessments & Exams:

  • Students are responsible for arriving on time for all examinations, written or oral tests, quizzes or other assessments. You will not be given additional time if you arrive late for an exam or assessment. Exams or assessments can take place on any scheduled class or concluding event/study days during the published dates of the summer session.
  • For closed Canvas exams or assessments, you may not have any other documents, resources or tabs open on your web browser or desktop once the exam begins.
  • You may not miss an exam or assessment, and you will not be permitted to retake an exam or assessment, except in cases of a proactively excused absence. Instead, you will receive 0 points for that exam or assessment (e.g. if your flight is delayed/canceled, you overslept, etc.) If you miss an exam or assessment due to an excused absence, you must notify your faculty before the exam or assessment. Make-up exams or assessments should be scheduled before the next class meeting, when possible. It is your responsibility to schedule the make-up exam with both your faculty and DIS Testing by emailing both your faculty and (Copenhagen) or (Stockholm).
  • DIS Academic Expectations state that faculty can move tests, deadlines, class sessions within the summer session so, if you plan to miss a class day you are also taking the risk that you may miss an exam or other graded activity.
  • Students with approved testing accommodations will need to book the test with DIS Testing per their accommodations letter. Any questions can be sent to (Copenhagen) or (Stockholm), depending upon your course location.

Attendance: Attendance is required for all scheduled classes, Field Studies, and Study Tours. Participation in the full orientation program is also mandatory for all students. In addition to attending all scheduled classes and activities, active participation is required and will factor into your final grade for each course.

  • Absences: If you are unable to attend class due to illness, family bereavement, or use of a pre-approved accommodation, proactively communicate with faculty in advance to receive an excused absence. You remain responsible for all material covered or assigned in class and should coordinate with other students in class for notes.
  • Zoom option: For a non-recurring sickness that causes you to miss class, you have the option of contacting your faculty in advance (e.g., the same day of your class session and no later than 2 hours before your class begins) to request a Zoom link to attend the class virtually. You may only join class virtually only one to two times during the semester. Please be aware that faculty are not required to offer a Zoom option, and a Zoom option may only be granted if there is a good reason and if they see your request in sufficient time.Due to the nature of some class sessions, a Zoom option may not be possible for discussion-based lectures, guest speakers, sensitive topics of discussion. If you are allowed to join a class session virtually, it is important to be fully engaged and present. Please talk with your faculty about what this means for your specific class session but generally it means having your camera on, if possible, and engaging in verbal or chat discussions.
  • Unexcused absences: Absences unexcused, impact your grade, and may eventually lead to dismissal from individual courses resulting in an “F” or dismissal from the DIS program. Absence will be unexcused in the following circumstances:
    • Missing class, even if otherwise for reasons that would result in an excused absence (e.g., illness), without proactive communication;
    • Repeated or consistent absences. If your illness is recurring or you need to miss several class sessions, please reach out to the Care Team in Copenhagen ( or Stockholm ( team and Academic Support in Copenhagen ( or Stockholm (

Additional Considerations:

  • Departure date: Do not schedule a flight or plan to leave Denmark or Sweden until AFTER the last day of your summer session. Even if your syllabus does not indicate an exam or presentation during the final week, faculty have the option of scheduling make-up classes, presentations, exams, etc. through the last day of the summer session. If you have a need to depart before the final day of the summer session, you do so understanding that you may miss academic requirements and must notify your faculty and Academic Support in Copenhagen ( or Stockholm ( Final exams will not be rescheduled under any circumstances. Students who do not take the final exam will receive 0 points for the exam or, at the discretion of the faculty, the entire course.
  • Study Tours: For all DIS Study Tours, you are – without exception – required to travel to the destination with your class group. You may not rendezvous with the Study Tour from another location. After the Study Tour ends, however, you may travel independently. If you choose to do so, you will need to purchase your own return ticket to Copenhagen or Stockholm, notify your faculty and register your travel with DIS.
  • Travel: Personal/individual travel is not permitted during the summer on days scheduled for class instruction, Field Study sessions, or Study Tours. Personal travel, therefore, may only be scheduled during announced breaks or before or after the summer . Travel, including travel delays, is not a legitimate reason to miss class, Field Study, Study Tours, deadlines or exams. Absences caused by personal travel, including delayed or canceled flights, will be considered unexcused and missed assignments, quizzes, and exams will receive 0 points.

Completion of Required Course Work and Examinations/Tests: All course work must be completed and students must participate in all required activities to earn a passing grade. Students are responsible for handing in all coursework on time. Assignments handed in after the due date will earn 0 points, or reduced points, according to the instructor’s own guidelines. Students are responsible for arriving on time for all class meetings, examinations, and written or oral tests. Exams or tests can take place on any scheduled class or exam day during the published dates of the applicable summer session. Faculty reserve the right to change dates of tests with notice, as long as alternative times fall within the regular summer session.

DIS Academic Honor Code: All members of the academic community are expected to behave with respect toward each other and abide by the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity in all academic work. Members of the DIS academic community pledge to:

  • Do our own work at all times, without using unauthorized material or resources;
  • Submit our own work and never allow others (including Chat GPT or other AI) to write any part of our papers or exams unless explicitly instructed otherwise by your faculty/syllabi;
  • Not submit or present words or ideas that are not our own and/or are fabricated;
  • Credit all work or ideas taken from others using standard forms of attribution;
  • Not share details about an exam with others who have not yet taken the exam;
  • Not submit duplicate work, even if it’s your own work;
  • Not violate the intention or spirit of the DIS Academic Honor Code in any way; and
  • Clarify any questions with faculty in advance as it is our own responsibility to understand what constitute academic honesty.

Electronic Submissions: If you are submitting work electronically, it is your responsibility to ensure that the file is readable and not corrupted. An assignment that arrives in an unreadable state will not be considered submitted and subsequent submissions will earn 0 points, or downgraded percentage, according to the instructor’s own guidelines on late work.

Privacy and Copyright: If you create content for an academic assignment that will be posted online (videos, photos, papers, social media posts, etc.), please respect the privacy of any interviewees/subjects. You should either have written permission (email is acceptable, but must be retained), and/or refrain from using real names. If an academic project requires the use of the DIS name or brand in a website, social media post, hashtag, blog, or in printed material, permission must be explicitly granted by DIS Marketing and Communications ( prior to project implementation.