Session: Session 1

Feminist Activism in Denmark

This course is a tour de force through the exciting history of feminist activism in Denmark: From the women’s movement in the 1960’s to the blossoming feminist activism today around consent law, climate justice, anti-racist art,…

4 students during a Gender studies Field Study.

Psychology of Loneliness

What is loneliness and what causes it? Is it the nature of our human condition? Is it a feeling or a thought? Does age, personality, or social contact matter? Topics to be considered are the causes…

Under the Influence: Alcohol, Drugs, and Young Adulthood

While young Danes continue to be the heaviest drinkers in Europe, high levels of drinking and problematic drug use amongst teens and young adults present a significant global health burden. In this course, you will assess…

Developmental Disorders

This course explores maladaptive behaviors, cognitions, and emotions in child development using the biopsychosocial model. This model addresses the multilayered and hierarchical contexts of the child’s life by considering multiple perspectives as regards the genetic, psychological,…

Developmental Disorders

Health and Gender Inequalities: Past, Present, and Future

By looking into empirical, historical data and research, this course investigates how women’s health and wellbeing have been neglected historically because most doctors and research participants have been men. How has that impacted women’s health outcomes…

Health and Gender Inequalities: Past, Present, and Future

Digital Media in Marketing

This course explores the impact technology has had on the marketing industry, particularly with the advent of the internet. Technological advances have made the latest tools in media production, online media, and social media available to…

Digital Media in Marketing

Transgender in Scandinavia

Transgender celebrities such as Caitlin Jenner and Laverne Cox fueled mainstream interest in transgender lives and experiences. But trans and queer communities have long fought for trans persons’ rights to be ‘true to self.’ This course…

Transgender in Scandinavia


This is an introduction to visualization and statistical methods for the analysis of biological data. Emphasizing both a conceptual understanding and analysis of real data sets, the course covers biological experiment design, methods of data collection,…


Public Mental Health

This course introduces you to the common mental disorders and their impact on daily life. We explore the different challenges faced by those with mental health conditions. Through peer-reviewed literature, policy briefs, popular media, and discussions…

Public Mental Health

Neuroscience of Emotion

How do we understand the interplay of human emotions and their neural networks? This course applies findings from the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience and the psychological study of cognition, emotion, and personality. Basic, complex, and social…

Affective Neuroscience: Emotions, Cognition, and Behavior