Sustainable Development in Northern EuropeSummer Course

Summer Study Tour
Major Discipline(s)
Environmental Studies, Public Policy, Sustainability
Location: Copenhagen
Session 2

This course helps you to better understand the complex societal challenges of sustainable development from a European perspective. Specific focus is given to the interplay between social, environmental, and economic solutions to address sustainability challenges on local and global levels. You are introduced to a broad range of Danish and European stakeholders currently shaping sustainability solutions and innovations. You are encouraged to identify your own values and strategies for a sustainable future, as well as being an actor of change for the implementation of more sustainable solutions.


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Silvia Dragomir

DIS Summer Faculty

Architect and advocate of Cities for People, with an MSc in Sustainable Urban Planning from Aalborg University and MSc in Architecture from Bucharest and Bordeaux. Her professional profile includes a collaboration with KANT architects, owner of an architecture studio with focus on sustainability, climate change adaptation and mitigation. Her passion is sharing knowledge and creating better living environments. With DIS since 2015.

Sustainability, Silvia Dragomir