Development and Programming of Serious GamesSummer Course

Major Discipline(s)
Mathematics, Computer Science
Location: Copenhagen
Session 1

Serious games use game design theories and technology to inform, advertise, educate, and motivate. Industries as varied as defense, healthcare, and city planning use serious games to increase productivity, understand problems, or even learn completely new skills. This course is a hands-on approach to the specific programming and design challenges that come with the development of serious games, and gives you a solid overview of how to develop a game with a purpose other than pure entertainment.


Benno Lüders

DIS Summer Faculty

M.Sc. (Game Technology, IT University of Copenhagen, 2016). Game enthusiast and game development all-rounder with focus on Game Programming. Assistant teacher at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, 2015-2016. Tutor and teaching assistant at the IT University of Copenhagen, 2015, and Hochschule Fulda, 2011-2013. Backend Java developer at mobile game company, Flaregames, in Karlsruhe, 2013-2014. With DIS since 2016.