Discipline: Psychology

Social Brain: Neuropsychology of Social Behaviors

The goal of this course is to explore the neural basis of human social interaction. We study how social psychology and neuroscience inform our understanding of social behavior, with each discipline offering a unique and complementary…

Psychology of Criminal Behavior

Why do people offend? Can we predict who the victims will be? This course applies psychological/criminological theory and research methods to the understanding of criminality, and its consequences, assessment, treatment, and prevention. Mental disorders and their…

DIS Copenhagen, Psychology of Criminal Behavior

Positive Psychology

This course combines a study of theory, research, and application in the rapidly growing field of positive psychology. You critically examine the psychology of well-being with both its possibilities and limitations, focusing on topics such as…

Positive Psychology

This course combines a study of theory, research, and application in the rapidly growing field of positive psychology. You critically examine the psychology of well-being with both its possibilities and limitations, focusing on topics such as…

Positive Psychology, Summer Course

Children with Special Needs

This class challenges your ideas about ‘special needs.’ You are situated within the concept of Nordic pedagogy in order to examine the topics of inclusion and quality of life within the Danish social welfare system. For…