Tasting Culture: Nordic and Mediterranean Food, Tradition, and NutritionSummer Course

Summer Study Tour
Islands of Ikaria, Greece and Samsø, Denmark
Major Discipline(s)
Anthropology, History, Sociology
Location: Copenhagen
Session 3

Note: This course is a special partnership course between CYA and DIS, divided in two locations. Read more here.

We eat to live. But food isn’t just about survival. We express who we are through our food. How we eat is, however, also shaped by other forces, often invisible to us in our everyday lives. Over four weeks we explore Denmark and Greece – allowing us to understand both the commonalities and the differences that such forces bring to food and cuisine, as well as people’s imagination and inventiveness in creating something to eat.


Related Discipline(s)

This summer course would also be of interest to the following discipline(s):
Food Studies, Public Health


Anders Larsen

DIS Summer Faculty

Cand.Mag. (History and English Literature and Language, University of Copenhagen, 2008). Research focused on cultural history and visual culture. Teaches Meaning of Style, which is an introduction to semiotic analysis using fashion as a case study, as well as Visual Culture of Cities in the summer. Worked on various projects for DIS relating to cultural competencies and cultural engagement and staff training within the Housing & Student Affairs department. With DIS since 2007.

EPS - anders larsen

Aimee Placas

DIS Summer Faculty

PhD in Anthropology from Rice University, 2009. Lecturer in the College Year in Athens program in Athens, Greece since 2003. Research and publication interests include the anthropology of consumption, economic anthropology, and gender and sexuality. Most recently co-edited the volume Living Under Austerity: Greek Society in Crisis (Berghahn 2018). With DIS since 2018.