About this course
This course provides a broad understanding of the economic approach to deciphering and resolving problems in the environment. By the end of this course, you should have a set of theoretical and practical economic skills for addressing environmental problems developed through a primary focus on energy use and production. Gain a toolbox of economic ideas and examples by application to the Scandinavian and broader European environment.
One economics course at university level.
David Possen
FacultyPh.D. (Philosophy and Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2009). Formerly at Yale University’s Whitney Humanities Center and the University of Copenhagen’s Søren Kierkegaard Research Center. External Lecturer of philosophy in the University of Copenhagen Department of Communication. With DIS since 2014.
Luiza Martins Karpavicius
FacultyMSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (IFRO/KU), Denmark, 2021. Bsc in Economic Sciences, University of São Paulo (FEA/USP), Brazil, 2018. PhD candidate in Environmental Economics, Aarhus University, 2021-now. Visiting researcher, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden, Nov 2023-Jan 2024. Guest writer, Folha de São Paulo, 2021-2023. Teaching assistant, Techinical Univ. of Denmark (2022) and Univ. of São Paulo (2017-2018). Research assistant, IPBES (2020-2021) and Brazilian Women in Economics (2019). With DIS since 2024.