About this course
Food is crucial to human survival but its significance stretches far beyond mere nutrition and sustenance. We are becoming increasingly aware that the act of eating intersects with everything from the climate crisis and public health to the way we construct our social identities on a daily basis. This course investigates how food is a force that connects and harbors the power to construct and destruct, now and in the future. With both theories and qualitative research methods from the anthropological field, this course explains cultural food dilemmas, food trends, human behavior, and practices around food.
Camilla Hoff-Jørgensen
FacultyCamilla Hoff-Jørgensen holds a BA in Nutrition and Health (2006) and a BA and cand.scient in Anthropology (2012). She worked as a cultural consultant in Japan concerning Danish and Scandinavian food culture and developing comparative studies of the Danish (European) and Japanese food culture. Moreover, she has international working experience in Bangkok and Barcelona. Camilla has done various research within the fields of medical anthropology and anthropology of food. As medical anthropologist, she has worked with harm reduction strategies for homeless and other at-risk populations. As an anthropologist with a background in food culture she has been a food study consultant and tought various food culture courses. Camilla is currently working on an experience design study covering restaurant NOMAs reaction to COVID19.

Morten Hedegaard Larsen
FacultyPhD in Food Studies/Sociology (2016 Planning and Development, Aalborg University) and has published papers on food myths, agricultural experiences and social factors to explain obesity, for instance. Originally he holds a MA in Communication Studies from Roskilde University (2010). He wrote master thesis on the development of the Western Food Market. For the last five years Morten has held positions as assistant professor and post.doc at Aalborg University and Copenhagen University. There he acted as lecturer, coordinator and developer at the masters program Integrated Food Studies and taught courses on communication, staging and consumption of food, innovation and entrepreneurship, food concept design and sustainable food systems. In recent years he has also been involved in food innovation and food start-up research projects. Morten was, also, the first communications officer for the largest Danish food hall “TorvehallerneKBH”. With DIS since 2021.
Anders Larsen
FacultyCand.Mag. (History and English Literature and Language, University of Copenhagen, 2008). Research focused on cultural history and visual culture. Teaches Meaning of Style, which is an introduction to semiotic analysis using fashion as a case study, as well as Visual Culture of Cities in the summer. Worked on various projects for DIS relating to cultural competencies and cultural engagement and staff training within the Housing & Student Affairs department. With DIS since 2007.
Christian Martinez
FacultyCand.mag., Antropology and Spanish, University of Copenhagen. Editor and Journalist, Politikens Forlag, Euroman, and more. With DIS since 2022.