About this course
This course enhances your understanding of the divergent goals and complex processes associated with sustainable development from a European perspective. Specific focus is given to the interplay between social, political, and economic issues and environmental concern. You are introduced to a broad range of Danish and European stakeholders currently shaping the sustainability agenda, and encouraged to identify your own values and strategies for a sustainable future
Silvia Dragomir
FacultyArchitect and advocate of Cities for People, with an MSc in Sustainable Urban Planning from Aalborg University and MSc in Architecture from Bucharest and Bordeaux. Her professional profile includes a collaboration with KANT architects, owner of an architecture studio with focus on sustainability, climate change adaptation and mitigation. Her passion is sharing knowledge and creating better living environments. With DIS since 2015.
Carlos García-Robles
FacultyCand.techn.soc. (Technological & Socio-Economic Planning, Roskilde University, 2009). B.A. (International Relations; International Environmental Regimes and National Security, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2004). Represented Mexican NGOs during WSSD process, 2002. Member of the Energy and Climate Group, Project coordinator for Friends of the Earth Denmark for COP15 process. With DIS since 2011.
Charlotte Algreen
FacultyCand. Arch. (Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen 1998). DGNB Consultant and Passive house designer. Working with sustainable building in own company Algreen Architects 2001-2012. Responsible for implementing sustainability at JJW Architects 2012-2014 and at Lejerbo affordable housing association 2014-2017. External Associate Professor at DTU – Technical University of Denmark from 2013-2021 (Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment). Member of the Sustainability committee at The Danish Association of Construction Clients. Former Chairwomen Advisory Board on Sustainability for the Municipality of Lyngby-Taarbæk. Own company from 2017-2022 ALGREEN – Sustainability, Process Management and Facilitation – working as a consultant to help the building industry and organisations become more sustainable which sometimes also involve using the SDG’s (UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals) as the communicative tool. Starts at WSP Denmark January 2023 as Senior Advisor/Consultant on Sustainability, help building the Sustainability Department, being front end on projects to make projects as sustainable as possible, educating/professional develop of departments on sustainability, where relevant. With DIS since 2018.