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Healthcare Systems: A Comparative Approach

Healthcare Systems: A Comparative Approach

Healthcare Systems: A Comparative Approach

About this course

Different countries choose different approaches to the provision of healthcare. Through this course, you gain insight into how healthcare is organized and financed in Denmark and Northern Europe, and you investigate the impact of the social, economic, and political history on the present systems. You analyze principles of priority-setting in healthcare, and discuss and assess possible solutions to challenges such as aging populations, inequality in health, and rising healthcare expenditures.


Summer 2024 – Section A

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This is the most recent syllabus for this course

Summer 2024 – Section B

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This is the most recent syllabus for this course


Augusta Mariia Søndergaard


M.Sc. Public Health (University of Southern Denmark, 2016), B.A. in Nursing (University College Absalon, 2013), Research Assistant (Odense University Hospital, February-May 2017), ER Nurse (Emergency Department, Herlev Hospital, 2013-2015), ICU Nurse (Neonatal ward, Rigshospitalet, 2016-2017), Research and project manager (WoMena, 2016-2018), Self-employed in women’s health (2019-present). With DIS since 2018.

Priyanka Ranganath


PhD. from Center for Drug and Alcohol Research, Aarhus University, 2022. Masters in Comparative Social Change, Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin, 2018. Masters in International Business, Monash University, Melbourne, 2008. Development and Research Associate at G.L.OB.A.L. Justice, Colorado in 2019. Marketing Coordinator, Yooralla, Melbourne, 2016-2017. Marketing  and Communications Coordinator at OzChild Children Australia Inc., Melbourne, 2012-2014. Marketing Coordinator at Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, 2010-2012. With DIS since, 2022.

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