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Psychology of Crisis

Psychology of Crisis

Psychology of Crisis

About this course

This course examines how the severe psychological stress that comes with a disaster, critical incident, or a life crisis affects an individual’s biology, conceptions of the world, and psychological functioning. On the basis of case studies (e.g. Paris attacks), the course covers models for crisis interventions and provides a theoretical framework for understanding psychological resilience and vulnerability. Why do some people hardly react to traumatic incidences while others are marked for life?

Furthermore, individual differences regarding traumatic events will be explored. You will be introduced to the core concepts of preventive interventions, crisis intervention, and management. Individuals, groups and organizations will be considered. Cultural implications will be addressed by exploring the European perspective. Finally, this course will address both natural events and contemporary issues leading to crisis and trauma (e.g., natural disasters and terrorism).


Spring 2025

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This is the most recent syllabus for this course


One psychology course at university level.


Eleftherios Saftis

Faculty; Assistant Program Director

M.Sc. (Health Psychology, City, University of London, U.K., 2000). BSc. Hons. (Psychology, City, University of London, U.K., 1997). Certified in psychotherapy and counseling and in the process of qualifying as a psychoanalyst from the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research. Co-authored a number of journal articles on post-traumatic stress disorder. Previously, was the Clinical Director of Community Housing and Therapy, a leading UK charity running therapeutic community households for adults with mental health diagnoses. Managed two therapeutic community projects – a project working with homeless veterans suffering from mental health difficulties and a project for individuals with a diagnosis of psychosis and personality disorder. Worked as a psychologist in the Greek Army. With DIS since 2015.

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