About this course
This course is about the human impact of pollution and what people are doing in response. It focuses on the ‘untold’ story of environmental degradation – especially in the Global South – looking at how the destruction brought on by climate change and irresponsible development takes place gradually and is often hidden from view.
David Possen
FacultyPh.D. (Philosophy and Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2009). Formerly at Yale University’s Whitney Humanities Center and the University of Copenhagen’s Søren Kierkegaard Research Center. External Lecturer of philosophy in the University of Copenhagen Department of Communication. With DIS since 2014.
Carlos García-Robles
FacultyCand.techn.soc. (Technological & Socio-Economic Planning, Roskilde University, 2009). B.A. (International Relations; International Environmental Regimes and National Security, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2004). Represented Mexican NGOs during WSSD process, 2002. Member of the Energy and Climate Group, Project coordinator for Friends of the Earth Denmark for COP15 process. With DIS since 2011.