Kierkegaard’s AuthorshipSemester Course

Kierkegaard’s Authorship, Semester Course
Major Discipline(s)
Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Elective Course
Fall/Spring semester

A study of the works of Copenhagen’s most radical author, Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855). Kierkegaard’s entire authorship is centered around the existential project that confronts every human being: to become oneself and none other than oneself. This course examines his witty, humorous, but also deeply earnest, exploration of self-identity. We remain especially attentive to the ways in which Kierkegaard’s thought is critical of inherited ethnic and cultural definitions of self, and study how his approach is uniquely modern.


Mads Peter Karlsen

DIS Copenhagen Semester Faculty

Mads Peter Karlsen, PhD, Associate Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Copenhagen. Email:

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