munich germany

About this tour

The tour to Munich will give you further insight by visiting research facilities who are working with some of the newest, as well as more classical methods within the field of fear research. The visits will allow for personal interaction with researchers, in some of the leading research institutes in the world such as Max Planck Institute, and the Ludwig Maximilian University. Finally, we will naturally explore being in the very place where the visions of The Third Reich began, and visit the site of the former concentration camp Dachau.

Learning outcomes

  • Showcase examples of research, treatment, and education within emotion and fear research
  • Learn about novel research methods and findings with laboratory and clinical relevance
  • Engage in personal learning process outside the classroom by actively interacting with researchers and professionals working in the field
  • Observe various approaches to emotion and fear research

Possible activities

  • Interacting with local researchers at the Technical University Munich (for methodology-related visits) and the Max Plank Institute (for fear research)
  • Visiting Dachau concentration camp, where we will debate the role and neuroscience of fear