Core Course



About this tour

The short Study Tour is designed to introduce you to Danish military and naval capabilities, and their position on crisis areas. You will have the opportunity to meet with military officers, talk with key players in the field, and visit local universities, where you will engage in intercultural dialogues regarding conflict and resolution. You will gain greater knowledge of the complex issues surrounding conflict, such as national identity, the status quo, and the relationship between international human rights law and national law.

The study tour program is also supplemented with cultural visits and events to help you learn more about Danish history and culture, which will give you a more well-rounded understanding of the environment in which the organizations we visit, operate. In the past, cultural visits have included walking with the night watchman on his traditional rounds in the centuries old, winding streets of Ribe, as well as Blokarting on a small island and enjoying traditional Danish food.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of Danish military capabilities, involvement, and position on conflict areas
  • Understand a variety of Danish views on human rights and international relations
  • Analyze how the Danish Navy lives up to its human rights obligations during complex law enforcement missions

Possible activities

  • Visit the Navy Military Police to learn about piracy in Aden bay, practical and legal issues, problems detaining pirates, and experiences from the field
  • Sit in on a lecture at Aarhus University, which focuses on human rights and international relations, and interact with Danish students over dinner
  • Tour the remains of the Atlantic Wall on the west coast and focus on Denmark’s role in World War II