About this tour
This week-long Study Tour to Budapest and Vienna introduces you to the nuances of medical practice in two distinct healthcare systems. The two cities were once co-capitals of the strongest empire in Europe. Their shared cultural history coupled with their divergent paths following World War I offer a fascinating case study in how politics and culture affect the development of a healthcare system. Both cities will feature visits to university hospital centers where you will have the opportunity to meet with physicians and gain unique clinical exposure. You will be able to observe the differences between state-funded and privately-funded care by talking with relevant health professionals from hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. These visits will provide you with a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of the healthcare systems in the region.
Through your visits and discussions with healthcare providers, you will gain an understanding of current key issues involved in healthcare, such as demographics and economy, healthcare promotion, allocation of technology, money & resources, organization of entry into the health system, and patient-doctor relationships. By the end of the study tour, you will have new perspectives on some of the strengths and challenges of the Austrian and Hungarian healthcare systems and how they compare to your experiences in Denmark and the U.S.
Multi-destination tour note
The order in which this Study Tour travels may vary by semester. You will be informed of which location you will begin and end in as soon as possible, but it may not reflect the order listed in the title of this tour.

Learning outcomes
- Compare and contrast medical practice in Denmark, Austria, Hungary, and the U.S.
- Understand the challenges facing healthcare providers in each country
- Observe examples of clinical practice and research with clinical relevance
- Describe and experience medical practice in a social, historical, and scientific context
Possible activities
- Visit a Semmelweis University specialized medical department in Budapest
- Interview locals about their experiences with their health systems in their respective countries
- Hear a lecture at the Medical University of Vienna