Positive Organizational PsychologySemester Course

Positive Organizational Psychology, semester elective at DIS Copenhagen
Major Discipline(s)
Elective Course
Fall/Spring semester

Work settings have a significant impact on people’s lives but what makes work life worth living? How can we improve the effectiveness and people’s quality of life in organizations? This course links positive psychology and organizational psychology, where we explore topic areas such as positive organizational scholarship, positive organizational behavior, psychological capital, positive leadership, organizational virtuousness, coaching, and flow at work. Scandinavian and European cultural perspectives are considered.

Related Discipline(s)

This course would also be of interest to the following discipline(s):
Leadership Studies, Organizational Behavior


Gitte Vonsild

DIS Copenhagen Semester Faculty

Master's in Positive Psychology, minor in Psychology. M.Sc. in Economics. Specialized in the field of Applied Positive Psychology. Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) from the Coaches Training Institute, CTI. CFO at the Brewery Darguner Brauerei GmbH in Germany, 1997-2005. Self-employed coach and workshop leader since 2005. Lecturer on coaching & counseling, Positive Psychology, Positive Psychology coaching, change theory, and stress management at Metropolitan University College, 2008-2012. With DIS since 2011.