Enemy Within: Spies and Espionage in the Cold WarSemester Course

The Enemy Within: Spies and Espionage in the Cold War, Semester Course
Major Discipline(s)
History, International Relations, Political Science
Elective Course
Fall/Spring semester

Espionage organizations play an important role in modern society, but how did these organizations come into being, and how have they developed over the years? Who are the people staffing them and what do they actually do? This course aims at introducing you to the objectives and effects of intelligence and espionage throughout modern history. The rising importance of intelligence in international politics and major players such as the OSS/CIA, MI5, KGB/GRU, and STASI are addressed.

Related Discipline(s)

This course would also be of interest to the following discipline(s):
Criminology / Criminal Justice


Martin Cleemann Rasmussen

DIS Copenhagen Semester Faculty

MA (Russian and History, University of Copenhagen 2004, graduated on Civil-Military relations in Russia, 1993-99). Associate professor at the Royal Danish Officer Academy (2011- ), Senior Advisor NordGEN at the Nordic Council of Ministers 2005-2009 on Russia and the CIS, Associate Professor Nordic Council of Ministers Petrazavodsk State University 1998, Exchange Student, Odessa (Ukraine), and St. Petersburg (1996-1997). Various positions as translator and leads many visits to Russia as well as several battlefield tours. Analyst on Russian matters in Danish news media. With DIS since 2015.

JHR - martin cleeman rasmussen