Core Course



About this tour

Core Course Week, which includes a two-day seminar in Stockholm and a short Study Tour in Greater Sweden, allows students to apply classroom theories in a real-world context. How are developmental disorders approached from a clinical, educational, and social-policy perspective in Sweden? What are some research questions and methods currently under exploration in Swedish research labs that focus on the developing brain? Academic visits on tour will, for example, include meetings with psychological consultants, researchers, and nonprofit organizations. The Study Tour program will also be supplemented with cultural visits and events and community-building activities, such as touring castles, museum visits, and experiencing traditional Swedish food at local restaurants.

Learning outcomes

  • Critically evaluate the role of social and contextual features, including barriers and opportunities for inclusion, in the development and maintenance of developmental psychopathology
  • Understand strategies for prevention and early intervention of developmental psychopathology in a Scandinavian welfare state
  • Connect with those impacted by developmental psychopathology to learn about their lives and how they are or are not aided by the Swedish health system
  • Engage in personal learning and growth outside the classroom by actively participating and challenging your current ideas and assumptions about developmental psychopathology

Possible activities

  • Meet professionals who work with people with developmental disorders to understand clinical applications
  • Meet with researchers at the cutting-edge of research on developmental psychopathology in Sweden
  • Meet with NGOs that support families with children with special needs