Core Course

Southern Sweden


About this tour

Core Course Week provides a unique opportunity to apply theories about prostitution and the sex trade to two seemingly similar contexts. Through a two-day seminar in Copenhagen and a three-day study tour in Sweden, you will examine the differences between the Swedish approach to prostitution in which the customer is criminalized, and the legalized status of prostitution in Denmark.

The program is supplemented with cultural visits to help you learn more about Danish and Swedish history and culture to give you a more well-rounded understanding of the communities in which you are studying. In the past, cultural visits have included a visit to the Louisiana Museum, a nature hike, and enjoying traditional food.

Learning outcomes

  • Compare and contrast Danish and Swedish approaches to prostitution
  • Expand your understanding of how policies play out in real life
  • Analyze the advantages and challenges of legalizing vs. criminalizing prostitution

Possible activities

  • Meeting with social workers and police officers to understand the differences in the legislative and policy approach to prostitution in Denmark and Sweden
  • Discussing with an anti-trafficking advocacy group regarding the challenges they face
  • Touring Copenhagen and Malmö to compare prostitution in the physical environment