Course Finder

Northern Germany

Northern Germany
Northern Germany

About this tour

Core Course Week, including the short Study Tour, allows us to gain a more in-depth understanding of the influence of Greek thought on the tradition of continental thinking in Denmark and Germany. We start in Copenhagen with a two-day seminar on Greek heritage, followed by visits to art museums in Copenhagen. We then go on a three-day study tour to Northern Germany.

The course is also about the role of myth in the modern world. The most important modern interpreters of Greek myth and tragedy were from the German tradition (e.g., Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Adorno), so we also visit Germany to hear more about myth and reason in contemporary thought.  We take advantage of the great art museums there to talk more about the philosophy of art in general. Hamburg, which is the second largest city in Germany, is a great setting for this aspect of the course.

Learning outcomes

  • Introduction to continental thinking and the Greek heritage in Denmark and Germany
  • Learn about the philosophy of art through museums and lectures

Possible activities

  • Attend a classical music concert in Hamburg
  • Exercise an aesthetic experience at an art museum in Lübeck
  • Visit art museums in Copenhagen and Hamburg