
About this tour

In Poland, the interest in Positive Psychology has grown tremendously over the past few years. Psychologists are increasingly conducting research in the field, spanning areas of personal life, business, education, and health.

Although Poland and Denmark are neighboring countries, there is a large difference regarding the level of well-being of their citizens. This difference will be one of the many subjects you will explore on tour, among other topics such as meaning, resilience, and post-traumatic growth.

Learning outcomes

  • Compare and contrast the application of Positive Psychology in Eastern and Western Europe
  • Investigate whether historical influences, including decades of communism, have an influence on well-being in modern day Poland
  • Understand Positive Psychology terms such as ‘meaning’ and ‘resilience’ from the perspective of Polish history

Possible activities

  • Visit the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, and learn about meaning and post-traumatic growth
  • Meet top scholars specialized in positive psychology
  • Hold a mindfulness workshop with practicing psychologists