Core Course

Iceland (Spring)

About this tour

Iceland has succeeded in doing what many countries consider impossible: transforming its energy system from fossil fuels to renewables. During our week-long Study Tour, we investigate environmental engineering solutions in Iceland’s unique setting – learning from engineers at the University of Reykjavik, exploring how geothermal, hydropower, and wind generate a fossil-free energy supply, and considering the broader applicability of these Iceland-specific engineering approaches to global climate challenges.

Our Study Tour is supplemented with relevant cultural visits and events to help you learn more about Iceland and further contextualize your studies.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of the unique assets – and challenges – of environmental engineering in Iceland
  • Explore the development of environmental engineering tools and technologies widespread in Iceland and evaluate their global applicability
  • Assess the promise and pitfalls of large-scale “green” power plants and more locally-scaled renewable energy production

Possible activities

  • Meet with environmental engineers at the University of Reykjavik to learn about current research and development
  • Experience the raw power of Iceland’s glacier-fed waterways, the source of Iceland’s hydroelectric prowess, and speak with engineers and environmental activists
  • Visit the Hellisheiði geothermal plant, the largest power station in Iceland, where constant continental rifting generates energy harnessed for local residents and – controversially – burgeoning heavy industry