About this tour

You will travel to Iceland, where you will study glaciers first-hand. We will travel up on the Langjökull glacier and visit the ice tunnel built there, visit one of Iceland’s many hydropower plants (the melting of the glaciers greatly affect the production of hydropower), interact with local researchers who monitor and model the glaciers, and visit the land reclamation center that deals with problems caused by erosion.

Learning outcomes

  • Observe a glacier first-hand to assess the assumptions that are frequently made in glacier models
  • Understand the connection between the glaciers and the production of hydropower at present and in the future
  • Interact with local experts and amateurs who take part in monitoring the state of the local glaciers
  • Understand the effect of glaciers on the local landscape

Possible activities

  • A day trip up onto the Langjökull Glacier
  • Excursion to the Sagnagardur land reclamation centre
  • Visiting Burfell hydropower station
  • Hearing lectures at Iceland Met Office