Core Courses



About this tour

Core Course Week, including this short Study Tour to western Denmark, forms an integral part of your studio curriculum by exposing you to high-quality historic and modern architecture, as well as urbanism. Not only will you discover the qualities that make a building or site quintessentially ‘Danish,’ you will also experience Danish culture from traditional cuisine, art, and concerts. You will make studies of significant religious architecture, housing prototypes, innovative museum designs, and the integration of buildings into landscapes or urban fabrics.

These sites, as sensory architectural experiences, provide you the opportunity to develop your critical observation skills and diagrammatic and representational proficiency. Simultaneously, you will be equipped with a vocabulary of design concepts, strategies, and materials, which you can apply in your own creative work in studio and beyond.

Learning outcomes

  • Study contemporary and traditional Danish architecture and landscape architecture
  • Gain an understanding of Danish history, geography, and culture outside the Copenhagen region
  • Develop sketching and note-taking skills for recording impressions of sites in a journal

Possible activities

  • Compare different spaces for art, including Trapholt, Koldinghus, and ARoS, and visit a traditional Danish church and the iconic Crematorium Chapel by Henning Larsen
  • Study adaptive re-use and reconstruction in Koldinghus
  • Tour significant urban sites in Århus from different eras, including the Town Hall (mid-20th century modernism), and ARoS Museum of Modern Art (21st century)