About this tour
Berlin is an epicenter of urban culture in Europe and has been for the last three decades. During our stay in Berlin, we will study the visual language and visual culture of the city. We will look at the differing perspectives of the political, social, and historical mechanisms that form the current urban make-up of the city. You will learn to identify the modes in which a city remembers historical events through memorials, alongside different styles of graffiti and how they represent an urban landscape, and you will observe Berlin through its counter culture activities. You will acquire these skills through city walks, guest lectures, active workshops for creating your own tag, and urban exploration.
Learning outcomes
- Understand and identify the cultural and visual differences between East and West Berlin
- Explore the historic context of Berlin through a memorial tour and analyze its impact on the current visual identity of the city
- Explore street art, facades, culture, and commercial signage through observational exercises and visual recording methods learned in class
- Make a mark on the city with your own graffiti piece
Possible activities
- Visiting the world famous Boros Collection
- Gaining historical context and perspective from a guided “how cities remember” tour looking at the scars of the city and the memorials left
- Engaging in a walking tour to see famous graffiti pieces and create your own graffiti piece
- Experience alternative culture in Berlin by visiting a local drag show
- Visit a local design firm working with the city’s contemporary cultural scene