Core Course



About this tour

This week long study tour to Athens offers the opportunity to explore Greek society through multiple perspectives, ranging from ancient Greek philosophies of mind-body connections to modern-day trends in positive psychology.

This tour will also explore Greece as one of the European countries most affected by the financial crisis and refugee crisis in Europe, and how aspects of positive psychology, such as post-traumatic growth, resilience, and the expression of altruism, are perceived at the societal level and the individual level. You will learn how organizations, practitioners, and researchers apply positive psychology to their work, covering key themes such as Hedonic vs Eudaimonic happiness and societal crisis.

Learning outcomes

  • Investigate the view of positive psychology in Athens and its application across the city and country
  • Explore and critically discuss current research in positive psychology from a European and global context
  • Gain first-hand knowledge of the benefits associated with focusing on well-being at the individual and national level

Possible activities

  • Visit psychology associations, yoga centers, and mindfulness retreats around greater Athens to learn about positive psychology methods
  • Hear from clinical psychologists and other key players in the positive psychology field in Greece
  • Partake in Random Acts of Kindness and learn about organizations that inspire community well-being