Core Course



About this tour

This week-long Study Tour is designed to give you a more nuanced understanding of how prostitution reflects and is shaped by gender norms and social hierarchies. Amsterdam is a dynamic city full of culture, natural beauty, and liberal attitudes. A thriving red light district blends effortlessly into the cityscape of tree-lined canals, quaint cafes, and bustling bike lanes. Prostitution is legal in both Denmark and the Netherlands, but the approaches to prostitution are different, and are in stark contrast to the general approach in the U.S. Through meetings with Dutch sex workers and visits to NGOs and the Netherlands’ seat of government, The Hague, you will have plenty of opportunities to learn, ask questions, explore differences, and gain insight into the Dutch perspective toward prostitution and trafficking, as well as challenge your perceptions about prostitution.

The Study Tour program is supplemented with cultural visits to help you learn more about Dutch history and culture, as well as give you a more well-rounded understanding of the communities in which you are studying. In the past, cultural visits have included touring the Anne Frank House, visiting the Van Gogh museum, and enjoying traditional Dutch cuisine.

Learning outcomes

  • Compare and contrast the societal differences in legalized and criminalized prostitution in the Netherlands, U.S., Denmark, and Sweden
  • Understand the Dutch approach towards prostitution and trafficking
  • Gain new insights into the lives of sex workers in Europe

Possible activities

  • Participate in a guided tour of Amsterdam’s Red Light District by a former Dutch sex worker, including insight into what it is like to sit in ‘a window’ waiting for customers
  • Visit an NGO in The Hague that works with education on anti-trafficking in schools
  • Participate in a scavenger hunt of the Jordaan neighborhood