Recording and
photography agreement

DIS Academic Support fosters an inclusive and intellectually stimulating learning community and has outlined the following agreement.

I understand that because of my disability, I have been approved to access audio and/or visual recordings of class, take photographs of lecture presentations, and/or request access to PowerPoints (per my specific accommodation is listed in my letter from DIS).

By utilizing this accommodation, I agree to the following terms of this agreement:

  • Audio and/or visual recordings, photos, or PowerPoints from class are for academic and personal study use only and no other purpose.
  • It is my responsibility to record or photograph the class/materials. If I do not attend the class session, a recording will not be made/photos will not be sent to me. I understand that the availability of PowerPoint slides for the day(s) I am absent will be at the discretion of my faculty.
  • I may not share course recordings, photos, or slides with others without advance permission of the faculty.
  • I will not publish, or otherwise quote, dialogue or content from the recording without the written consent of the faculty or guest lecturer.
  • Recordings or photos may be prohibited at the discretion of the faculty or guest lecturer (for example, when the content involves the disclosure of particularly sensitive information). I agree to consult with faculty at the beginning of the semester to see if they know of any material (in advance) that cannot be recorded or photographed.**
  • I agree to delete recordings and photos at the conclusion of the semester.
  • I understand that my professors have the right to inform the class that audio and/or visual recordings of class sessions/materials are for academic purposes only.

**If there is material that I am prohibited from recording, and this material is essential for exams, papers, or other course assignments, I will contact Academic Support Copenhagen or Academic Support Stockholm in a timely manner, to discuss options to supplement the necessary material.

Violating this agreement may result in the withdrawal of the authorization to record or photograph during a course. Further, I understand that a violation of this agreement would be a violation of the DIS Code of Student Responsibility and may result in appropriate sanctions.