About this course
We explore the evolution of religious thinking in the 19th and early 20th centuries, much of which was a response to the Enlightenment demand that religion justify itself in terms of rationality. We examine authors such as Hegel, Feuerbach, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, James, Otto, Bultmann, Tillich, and Lindbeck. This course is interdisciplinary and includes readings and discussions relevant for philosophy, theology, and religious studies.
External university course
This course is taught in conjunction with the University of Copenhagen and will be taught on their campus, alongside local and international students, a short distance away from DIS classes.
Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen
FacultyPh.D., Philosophy and European Studies (London School of Economics and Political Science, 2018). Postdoc at Aarhus University, 2021-2024. Postdoc at University of Copenhagen, 2024-. With DIS since 2024.
Mads Peter Karlsen
FacultyMads Peter Karlsen, PhD, Associate Professor of Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Copenhagen.