About this course
The past “century of sex” in Europe has taken us from prudish morals to sexual liberation in the 1960s, recognition of same sex partnerships, internet dating, and heated debates about sexual norms and rights in a multicultural Europe. While sexuality is often considered a private matter, state regulations, church teachings, mass media, and popular culture regulates and shape our sexuality in various ways. Looking at topics such as reproductive- and LGBTQIA* rights, sexual education and pornography, we discover how sexual norms and behaviors are intimately woven into 20th century European history, and explore how our own sexualities are shaped by history.
Emilie Fuglsang
FacultyM.A. (Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen, 2014). Gender Certificate Plus (University of Copenhagen). Literary journalist, editor, and project manager at The Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR, 2014-2018. Sexual health counsellor and comprehensive sex educator with Sex & Samfund, the Danish branch of Planned Parenthood, 2009-2019. Project Manager of yearly Sex Week Campaign at Sex & Samfund, 2020 and 2022. Independent translator, editor, and educator collaborating with publishing houses, educational institutions, NGO’s and companies, 2021-present. With DIS since 2024.