Consideration to modify
assessment dates

DIS Academic Support fosters an inclusive and intellectually stimulating learning community and has outlined the following agreement.

Based on my approved accommodations, DIS has provided me with access to either/both of the following accommodations, which allows me Consideration to Modify Assessment Dates:

  1. Consideration to Modify Assessment Deadlines
  2. Consideration to Modify Scheduled Assessments

By utilizing either of these accommodations, I agree to the following terms of this agreement:

  • The Consideration to Modify Assessment Deadlines and/or Consideration to Modify Scheduled Assessments accommodations are for episodic, disability-related episodes or flare ups only. These accommodations require that I communicate with my professors before the associated scheduled or deadline date, or within 24 hours of the episode or flare-up, if proactive or immediate notification is not possible. These accommodations cannot be accessed retroactively, following the 24-hour period.
  • The Consideration to Modify Assessments Deadlines and Consideration to Modify Scheduled Assessments accommodations do not extend to non-disability related illnesses such as seasonal illnesses, infectious diseases, or viral illnesses.
  • I understand that faculty reserve the right to ask for progress on assignments to date to be submitted by the original deadline and will determine the new deadline or assessment date (with my input).
  • I acknowledge that any work submitted later than the new deadline or missing the re-scheduled assessment date set by my faculty may result in penalties.
  • Prior to using my accommodation, I will give my accommodations letter to each of my faculty and review my syllabi for the following:
    • Assignment deadlines: To plan and work ahead where possible, so that I am minimally impacted in the event of a flare-up or episode.
    • The course policy on late work: To ensure that I have an understanding of the consequences of late work (if any).
  • I will contact my faculty with any questions based on what I read in the syllabi.
  • I will contact Academic Support in Copenhagen at or in Stockholm at during the start of the semester if I need any support with arranging this accommodation, or for additional information or questions.
  • I understand that violation of this agreement may result in the withdrawal of the accommodation. Further, I understand that a violation of this agreement may subject me to discipline under the DIS Code of Student Responsibility and referral to my home school for review under their conduct code.