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Full academic year and extended stays

Full academic year and extended stays

Make the most of your time abroad and experience everything Scandinavia has to offer. DIS offers you the option to enroll as a full year student, or seek to extend once you are abroad—either for another semester or for a summer session.

Full academic year and extended stays

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+ Study abroad for a full year
+ Extending for summer

Spending a full year abroad?
Here’s what you need to know

How to register to study abroad for a full year

Enrolling DIS students
If you know you want to stay a full year with DIS before you depart, you can indicate your interest in a second semester in Student Registration.

Current DIS students
If you are a current DIS student, start the conversation to extend your stay to a second semester by contacting

You must be in good academic standing at DIS to extend and you must have approval from your home institution.

See the semester and full year tuition & fees

Extend for the summer
Here’s what you need to know

How to apply to extend for summer at DIS

Current DIS students
If you are a spring semester student, you can start the conversation to extend your stay by contacting

You must be in good academic standing at DIS to extend.

See the summer tuition & fees and session discounts

Hear how Coco spent a full year in Scandinavia

Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Copenhagen again

“This year, I had the privilege of spending a full year with DIS in Copenhagen, then Stockholm, then Copenhagen again. My primary takeaway is my understanding of how each of us engages with the world.”

Coco (she/her), Vanderbilt University, spent a full year with DIS where she got to experience the seasons change and explore all her academic passions.

Read the blog

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