November 26, 2021
Due to the rising numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in Denmark, and especially in the greater Copenhagen area, the Danish parliament has voted to reinstate some restrictions in order to manage the epidemic.
As of Monday, November 29, these restrictions are in place:
- Facemasks are required when entering public transportation, all stores, medical clinics, and hospitals.
- A valid Coronapas is required in all institutions of higher learning (including DIS), museums, hair salons, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, sports stadiums, etc., at any indoor gathering with more than 100 people present and any outdoor gathering with more than 1,000 people present.
- Note: If you are vaccinated with an EMA-approved vaccine, your vaccination card works as your Coronapas. If you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 to 180 days (6 months), proof of your positive test also works as a Coronapas. If you are not fully vaccinated with an EMA-approved vaccine, you will have to get tested regularly (see below).
- PCR tests are only valid for 72 hours (previously 96), rapid tests are only valid for 48 hours (previously 72). Remember that you can get tested in any test center, without an appointment, and free of charge. Sign up in in order to get your test result in writing.
You can get a PCR test at any of the test centers listed on the Region Hovedstaden website (text is in Danish only). Click on ‘Store teststeder, PCR-test’ (large test centers) or ‘Mindre teststeder, PCR-test’ (smaller test centers) to see a list of centers.
You can get a rapid test at any of the centers listed on the CPH Med website.
At this point there is no end date to these restrictions, but the Danish authorities have stated that they will be lifted as soon as it is medically responsible.
DIS highly recommends the use of masks in DIS buildings, but this is not required by the Danish health authorities.
As always, you may drop by the Student Hub if you have any questions regarding this, or contact the DIS Care team at Face masks and self-tests are available in the Hub.